The Official namedfashion Lessons List
The one place for all the big ideas. Let your fashion heart soar!
Fashion Lesson 001: Fashion moves after an idea.
The more time has passed, the more perspective we have, and the clearer it is to embrace ideas of the past.
Fashion Lesson 002: Fashion is identity.
Fashion is the way we present ourselves to the world. It’s our identity, full of symbolic value.
Fashion Lesson 003: Trends are a group identity experience.
We all belong to various style tribes, or social groups with a distinctive collective style. Styles tribes go through the “heroes journey” (or identity experiences), which can be symbolically identified in trends.
Fashion Lesson 004: For fashion to flourish, it needs a strong economic middle class.
The more power a person has, the more options for identities/fashions. This makes the industry thrive: creatively and financially.